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    We can all make a difference

    Manipulates energy invoked by pilgrims on a holy mountain through the use of yoga mudras (hand signs) it sounds too good to be true – and yet true indeed it is: we can all help to heal the world! Far more in fact than we may ever have dreamt possible. And one thing is certain: the world sure needs healing. It doesn’t take a great intellect to see just how troubled this world is. Disease, confusion, depression, hate, violence – and so on – plague almost every inhabited corner of Earth. And why? Because of us human beings.

    You might say: “Not me – I don’t cause any of those things.” And maybe you don’t, but we are all part of the human race upon this planet and therefore inseparable from those who do. Not doing any active harm is of course better than the reverse – but it is still not enough. Nor is self-improvement on its own enough – however spiritual it may be. To heal the world, we have to go out of our way to help others to bring about a positive change in their lives as well. There are many ways to do this – and many wonderful people – of all the great religions, and even of no religion – who perform various kinds of invaluable Service in this respect.

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