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    Spiritual energy

    Spiritual energy is invoked by any true spiritual or humanitarian motive. Anyone who is following their higher aspirations, who is being of genuine service to others, who is coming closer to a realization of their own Divinity – is invoking this energy to some extent. One of the simplest and most potent ways of doing this is through prayer especially when done according to yogic rinciplesIt should be stressed that this is a natural process – not a supernatural one. The energy comes from God as all things do – but it is nevertheless an aspect of nature – albeit a higher aspect which science as we know it does not yet understand. The quantity and quality of energy invoked is determined by precise metaphysical laws, not by the whim of a mythical deity. Likewise the greater the quantity and quality of this energy, and the better it is directed to its target, the more effect it will have.

    In simple terms, if one person prays for world peace for five minutes, in a rather hopeless, apathetic fashion, that person will not invoke enough energy to have much effect on the world – though this is still better than not praying at all. However, if you had ten million people praying for world peace for an hour, with all their hearts and souls, and full concentration, this would have a very marked effect on the state of the world – no matter what their religion was.
    In Operation Prayer Power a Cosmic Mission performed by The Aetherius Society, spiritual energy is invoked and stored in spiritual energy batteries, and then later released in a concentrated form to maximize its effect

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